7 Empathy Statements for Customer Service

Reading time8 minutes
Freya Laskowski
Freya Laskowski
SEO consultant that helps brands scale their organic traffic with content creation and distribution.

You can put all your time and effort into the hustle of bustle of the world of business, networking and growth, but you will only find success with one key thing: excellent customer service.

Unsurprisingly, 90% of Americans use customer service as a factor in deciding whether to do business with a company and 89% of consumers are more likely to buy again after a positive customer service experience. So, if one of the main focuses of your business is to have great customer service, then you are on the path to great things in the business world.

The key ingredient to great customer service lies in one thing: the ability to have empathy. In the world of customer service, empathy is the magical ingredient that can turn a routine interaction into a memorable and positive experience. It is the ability to understand and share another person's feelings. It also plays a crucial role in fostering strong relationships with customers.

Using true empathy in customer service is essential for building positive and lasting customer relationships. Studies show that if the business's customer service is excellent, 78% of consumers will do business with them again after a mistake, and showing empathy is one of the best ways to keep your customers.

Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others. This can be incredibly powerful in resolving issues, providing support, and creating a positive customer experience. In this article, we will explore 7 empathy statements for customer service, when to use them, and why they work.

Let's dive right in.

Funny cartoon on customer service.


Why Is Empathy in Customer Service Important?

Before getting into the best empathy statements to use in customer service, we must understand why empathy is so important. Whether you are a small business or a multi-million dollar company, customer service needs to be one of your key business strategies.

Here are a few quick stats on customer service for you to consider:

  • 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies that offer excellent customer service
  • 61% of customers say they would switch to a new brand after one bad experience
  • After more than one bad experience, 76% of consumers say they would rather do business with a competitor

As you can see, these statistics all relate to customer service. You can have the best marketing and Google ranking plan on earth. But, if you do not have great customer service, your business will probably not succeed. One of the best ways to level up your customer service is to ensure that you and your employees show empathy to customers every step of the way.

Statistics on customer service.


How to Show Empathy in Customer Service

Sometimes, working in customer service can be extremely tense and frustrating. Generally, when customers call, they have already experienced some kind of issue and tend to take it out on the recipient of the call. Be sure to offer multilingual customer support to reach all your customer's needs. This will help avoid any further customer frustration.

It is important that the customer service representative takes a deep breath. They must understand the issue is not about them and they need to mitigate the situation. This will keep the customer calm.

Being empathic is key to accomplishing this and having good customer service. Here are a few tips for showing empathy when dealing with a difficult customer:

Listen actively

Give your full attention to the customer and actively listen to their concerns or issues. Avoid interrupting, and let them express themselves fully before responding. 

Although it may be tempting to let your mind wander to calmer scenarios while the customer is ranting and raving, staying set on your goal of being empathetic and helping them will bring you much success.

Show genuine concern

Show sincere concern for the customer's situation. Always treat your customer, no matter how upset they might be, as your top priority. Be genuine every step of the way and let them know that their satisfaction is your priority.

Use positive body language and tone

If you're interacting with customers in person, via video chat, or even pre-programmed responses in a chatbot, keep a friendly and approachable demeanor. Use a warm and welcoming tone at all times.

Put yourself in their shoes

Try to see the situation from the customer's perspective. Consider how you would feel in their position and adapt your responses as needed.

Learn from feedback

Always offer your customers to provide feedback. Through a questionnaire at the end of a call, a call to action on your social media content, or a survey at the end of a digital marketing course, you should offer this opportunity every step of the way. Receiving positive and negative feedback is one of the best ways to continuously improve your customer service.

Statistics on customer loyalty


7 Empathy Statements for Customer Service

Empathy is not just about words; it's about creating an emotional connection with customers and showing that you genuinely care about their experience.

Let's look at 7 empathy statements that every customer service should use and know when to use.

#1 I'm here for you. How can I make this right?

When to use this: Offer this empathy statement when your business has done something incorrectly such as sending the wrong product, or staff not treating a customer well in your business.

Why it works: Offering help and showing a willingness to correct any mistakes highlights your commitment to customer satisfaction.

#2 I'm sorry to hear you had to go through this. We'll do everything we can to prevent it from happening again.

When to use this: Use this statement when your customer went through a strenuous process for something that should have been relatively straightforward. For example, a long checkout process or dealing with an unhappy employee who was providing service.

Why it works: Expressing empathy and promising preventive measures shows accountability and dedication to improvement.

#3 I can imagine how frustrating this situation must be for you.

When to use this: Consider this wording when the customer is going through a situation that is unlikely but still possible to happen, and the business is not at fault. A great example of this would be when someone calls about items damaged during shipping or a missed delivery window.

Why it works: Understanding the customer's emotions and acknowledging their frustration shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

#4 I understand how important your time is. Let me take care of this matter promptly.

When to use this: Share this empathy statement when the customer has shown that they are in a hurry but still want to resolve the issue. A common occurrence of this is when a customer calls into customer service during their lunch break or on their way to an appointment.

Why it works: Valuing the customer's time and offering a quick resolution shows empathy and efficiency.

#5 It sounds like this has been a challenging experience for you. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.

When to use this: Offer this statement when you acknowledge that the customer has been through a difficult situation. For example, many delivery attempts where they weren't home or missed calls about customer service resolution.

Why it works: Recognizing the customer's difficulties demonstrates empathy and lets them know that you genuinely care about their well-being.

#6 I completely understand why you feel that way. Let's find a solution that works for you.

When to use this: Use this statement any time the customer expresses how unhappy or upset they are with a situation.

Why it works: Validating the customer's feelings and collaborating on a solution strengthens the customer-agent relationship.

#7 I understand how this situation might have affected you. Let's explore our options to resolve it together.

When to use this: Offer these words of empathy when a customer gives you details on how a negative outcome has affected them. A great example of a situation where this might be used is if an item was out of stock, and the customer did not receive it in time. 

Why it works: Inviting customers to be part of the solution fosters a sense of partnership and trust.

How Jivochat Can Help Your Business with Empathy Statements

A screenshot of Jivochat’s features.

There are several ways that JivoChat can help your business thrive with empathy statements.The first way is to consider using our chatbot to help filter out any easy-to-resolve customer questions. That will give your customer service representatives extra time to focus on customers who might need more attention.

Plus, JivoChat allows you to check the communication quality by reviewing the saved dialogues and ensuring your customer service representatives are using empathy statements as often as they can. You will be able to watch the work of your live representatives so you may assist them as needed.

These, and so many other features, are certain to elevate your customer service and improve your communications across the board.

Empower Your Customer Service Workforce with Empathy Statements

Empathy is a powerful tool in customer service that can transform a transaction into a meaningful and positive experience. Even when situations do not meet customer expectations, the right and empathic customer service can completely turn a situation around, build trust, and foster lasting relationships.

Besides pleasing the customer, empathy in the workplace will also improve employee morale as it leads to a positive work environment and boosts employee satisfaction and engagement. All these outcomes are certain to boost your business's reputation and make the public view you positively for your empathetic customer service.

By implementing empathetic attitudes in every step of your business, you are well on your well to building a business that is set up for success!

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