How To Make An Instagram Poll In 2024: Step by Step Guide

If you own a business or want to make money, having an Instagram account is a must. But how do you engage with your audience once you create your profile? While there are many ways to boost engagement, creating a poll on Instagram is a unique way to inspire your followers.
After you create a poll, the goal is to have plenty of user interaction. If this doesn’t happen right away- don’t panic. You can actually buy Instagram poll votes to help get the ball rolling.
Keep reading to learn more about how to create a poll, what some poll ideas are, and what you should do with your poll results.
The Global Reach of Instagram
If you don’t already have an Instagram profile set up for your business or brand, then this should be your first step. Instagram is used by over 1.4 billion people around the world. India has the highest population of Instagram accounts, followed by the United States and Brazil. Instagram is a global sensation and because it has been around for so long, it has proven to be a solid app, for people of all genders and ages.
Different Ways to Interact on the Instagram App
There are plenty of ways to create engagement on Instagram. While we’ll be talking about the poll feature specifically, don’t forget that popular Instagram pages use all of the available tools to them.
Create Instagram Posts
Sometimes, the simplest tool is the most effective. Instagram posts should not be overlooked. While Instagram posts were once just pictures, they can now be quotes, memes, and other images.
Create Instagram Stories
Once you have a group of loyal followers, you can create stories. An Instagram story is typically only viewed by a select group of your Instagram followers. It is not public, so it won’t reach anyone who doesn’t currently subscribe to your account.
Instagram stories are only up to 60 seconds long, so you should use your time wisely to make them entertaining. Plus, Instagram stories are only viewable for 24 hours.
Create Instagram Reels
A more public option is an Instagram reel. If you post a reel through the Instagram app, it can only be between 15 and 90 seconds. However, if you use a third-party site, they can be up to 15 minutes long.
Instagram reels will stay on your profile page. They are also public for anyone to see.
What Are The Benefits To Create Instagram Polls?
There are so many benefits when you create polls, that really, it’s amazing that more people don’t regularly use them.
Better Engagement
While it’s always nice to have a large number of Instagram followers, that number doesn’t mean anything if people aren’t engaged. If your audience size is not what you expected, you may need to investigate the reasons and find out why do instagram followers go up and down.
Every time somebody comments on a post, it will show up on the Instagram feed of that person’s followers. The more followers’ feeds that your post reaches, the more organic growth you can have.
If you need to boost engagement, you can use Instagram polls as an easy tool. This might be the game-changer you’re looking for to attract a larger audience.
Gain Valuable Information
While your Instagram profile should clearly advertise who you are and what your aims are, don’t forget the followers involved in your success. You can collect feedback easily from a poll.
This way, you can see what people like and want to see more of. Then, once you know what your audience likes, you can ensure that you keep them happy and engaged. When people like something, they are more likely to share that with others, which will help sustain your Instagram growth.
Answer Audience Questions
Everyone wants to be heard. This includes both you and your followers. Creating an Instagram poll is a great way to determine your audience’s preferences when it comes to your content.
You can ask your followers what they want to see on your feed, whether it is more videos, more product reviews, or more stories. Not only will they feel heard, but you can ensure your page caters to their needs.
Receive Product Feedback
If you have an Instagram page that posts product reviews, you can create a poll question to see if other people have found value in that product.
Market research with real-time results is the most beneficial and others will really appreciate knowing if something has worked for other like-minded individuals.
You can then gather feedback from these polls and provide valuable insights to your followers. This will give more legitimacy to your page, which means more people will interact with you and share your posts with others.
What Are The Benefits For Users with Instagram Polls?
Instagram polls are not just beneficial for you, the owner of the Instagram page. Your followers will also benefit a lot from Instagram poll questions.
Followers Feel Heard
Perhaps the most important benefit is that your followers will feel heard. Social media can be a vacuum of noise. What was once supposed to be an online community has, in some cases, become a place for people to merely rant and rave.
When you create a poll, your followers realize that you value their opinions. This makes them feel appreciated. As a result, your followers will continue to respond to your polls and other posts.
Be sure to take this to the next level. Capitalize on this engagement by encouraging direct messages. As soon as you receive a direct message, respond to it.
Followers Can Give Real-Time Feedback
The one real benefit of social media is that it provides real-time feedback. If somebody asks a question through a poll, users will want to jump on the chance to voice their opinions and be heard right away.
Again, the happier your followers are, the more likely they are to like, comment, and share your other posts.
Followers Enjoy Fun Ways To Interact
Social media can get a little stale. Scrolling for hours is nice but repetitive. If you can add a fun way to break up the monotony, then your followers will really appreciate it.
You can add fun facts in your polls, add polls about different topics, and be creative. Basically, polls are a fun and interactive way to make social media more interesting.
How To Create an Instagram Poll
Instagram has a lot of options all within one app. While some of these features can be hard to navigate, others are simpler. Thankfully, if you follow this step by step guide, you will be able to quickly and easily understand how to set up an Instagram poll.
Start With a New Story Post
First, you will need to create an Instagram story post. The poll feature is not available on regular posts or reels, so you will need to open your Instagram app and click on the add story feature.
Tap The Sticker Icon
When you create an Instagram story, you have the option of adding a sticker. This can be a link to a website or another page. Look through the options until you find the poll icon. It looks like a square smiley face. Click on this to get started.
Decide on a Question
Ideally, you will have a question in mind before you get to this stage. When deciding on a question, you want to work backward. Think about what information you want your poll to give you. Do you want more user engagement or do you want a specific answer to a specific question?
You should also think about your target audience. What have they commented on before and what posts have garnered the most engagement?
The best advice is to start simple with your first poll. Don’t overthink too much and instead use this as a chance to see what the engagement will be like. Gathering opinions can take some time, so don’t expect to get all the answers you want from just one poll.
Once you have your amazing question, simply type it into the caption box.
Create Answer Options
While you might think the question part is the hardest, the answers might be slightly more difficult. After all, while you want to gather opinions, you have to do so in the narrow confines of a few choices.
Try to stick to between two and four options when you make your poll. More than this and people will become overwhelmed. Multiple options that seem similar will be too confusing and people might not answer at all.
If you are only including two options, they should be very binary. Yes or no, for example, will clearly allow you to collect feedback on a certain issue.
Send Out Your Poll
After you are happy with your poll question and answer choices, it’s time to send it out into the world. Tap on Your Story and then Send To. This will make the poll public.
Just remember that your stories are only seen by your followers. You will not be able to attract new people to your page through an Instagram story poll.
How To Access Your Poll Results Page
After you create your poll, it’s time to see the results! After all, gaining valuable insights from your followers is the primary goal of creating a poll option.
Start by heading to your story, the one that advertised the poll. Then, tap on the icon that says Seen By. This will be in the lower left corner.
After tapping, you will see how many people have viewed your story. You will also see the results.
While you don’t have to share your results, your followers will probably be expecting a follow-up to your initial post. To do this, tap on the Share Results button. The information will then be shared with your followers automatically.
Creative Ideas for Instagram Polls
Influencers and brand leaders are always looking to boost their Instagram presence. While you may be committed to creating an Instagram poll, you may not be sure how to go about it. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Ask For Advice
How personal you get on social media is entirely up to you. But if you want to be vulnerable, you can use the poll sticker to ask for advice on different topics.
Maybe you’re thinking of a new hairstyle. Maybe a new paint color. Or maybe you want a career change. There are many ways you can receive feedback by including your followers.
Ask For Opinions
Everyone has an opinion and everyone wants to share them. Perhaps you have an Instagram account that reviews books. You could create a poll to see whether people liked the movie version of a book more.
Or, if you review articles of clothing, you can ask about color opinions. Mix and match different outfits to see which one looks better.
Ask For Content Suggestions
If your engagement numbers are stalling, such as the number of likes or followers you are getting, it may be time to switch up your content.
Before you make any drastic changes, ask your current followers what they prefer. Maybe they want more behind-the-scenes videos. Maybe they want more dance clips. Your current followers already like you, so if you can strengthen those relationships, you can hold onto them and have them share your content with others.
Instagram is supposed to be a fun medium to connect with other people. While there are many ways to use the app, the poll function is among the most fun. You can quickly gather feedback and easily have people feel like they are a part of your community.
The steps taken to create an Instagram poll are quite simple. You can easily send out a poll through a story and then almost immediately start to see the results. Just remember to use these results so that you can craft a more robust Instagram presence that everyone will enjoy.
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