14 Best Java Courses

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Jaqueline Corradi
Jaqueline Corradi
Content Manager

Making the best Java courses available online is a great opportunity to learn one of the main programming languages used around the world. If you are aiming to begin a career in the IT area as a developer, it's essential to know Java. 

If you already are a programmer, there are also Java courses focused on advanced levels, so you can enhance your skills and become an even better professional. When the subject is coding, creating the habit of continuously updating your knowledge is very important, and these courses can offer you that. 

1. Java Programming Masterclass

With the Java Programming Masterclass, you will learn the core Java skills necessary to apply for a Java Developer position. You will be able to take the Oracle Java Certificate exam, for example, and obtain proficiency in Java 8 and 11. 

It isn't necessary to have previous coding experience. This Java course will teach you how to write your first Java program, how to safely download and install all the coding tools you need, and also how to use the IntelliJ IDEA. 

Workload: 80 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics: 

  • Software tools setup
  • Java tutorial: expressions, statements, code blocks, and methods
  • Control flow statements
  • OOP - classes, constructors, and inheritance
  • OOP - composition, encapsulation, and polymorphism
  • Arrays, Java inbuilt lists, autoboxing, and unboxing
  • Inner and abstract classes and interfaces
  • Java generics

Access type: full lifetime access

2. Java Programming for Complete Beginners

The Java Programming for Complete Beginners will teach you the basics of Java programming. As the course progresses, it goes deeper into several topics like Java operators, Java conditionals, object-oriented programming, Java dates, generics, functional programming, and much more.

This Java course was developed for people who have no experience in computer programming but want to start a career in this area. It provides you with hands-on exercises and puzzles to help you not only understand the theoretical concepts but to put them into practice as well. 

Workload: 31 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics:

  • Installing Java
  • Introduction to Java programming
  • JShell
  • Multiplication table
  • Github book
  • Java object-oriented programming
  • Types and alternatives in Java programming
  • Conditionals in Java Programming
  • Loops in Java Programming
  • Reference types in Java Programming
  • Arrays and ArrayLists
  • Collections in Java Programming
  • Generics
  • Functional programming in Java
  • Threads and concurrency in Java
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Boot

Access type: full lifetime access

3. The Complete Java Development Bootcamp

Do you want to be able to program in Java professionally? The Complete Java Development Bootcamp will help you with that. You will understand how to use Java best practices, advanced Java concepts, and acquire important skills to be a web or Android developer, for instance.

You will learn how to store information inside variables, control how your code runs using conditionals, organize your code into functions, run code in a loop, and much more. The course also has 100 exercises and challenges. 

Workload: 27 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion 

Main topics: 

  • Java fundamentals
  • Running your first code
  • Variables
  • Booleans and conditionals
  • Functions
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Object-oriented programming
  • The world of objects
  • Exception handling and debugging
  • Unit testing and streams
  • Inheritance and polymorphism

Access type: full lifetime access

4. Java In-Depth

The Java In-Depth course allows you to understand the core and advanced features of Java to become a professional in this area. You will learn the best practices and coding conventions for writing Java code, and how to program using Java 8 constructs like Lambdas and Streams.

The course also focuses on practice. You will have the opportunity to develop an instructor-led Java EE-based web application using technologies like JSP, Servlets, and MySQL. You will also be able to master design principles, Exceptions, IO, Collections, Framework, Generics, Multi-threading, and Databases. 

Workload: 67 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics:

  • Installing Java
  • Writing first Java program
  • Class and objects
  • Variables
  • Method building blocks
  • Packages, strings, and information hiding design principle
  • Programming with Eclipse IDE
  • Coding conventions
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Abstract classes and interfaces
  • Debugging Java programs
  • Implementing a social bookmarking application
  • JVM internals
  • Input-output
  • Generics
  • Data and time API

Access type: full lifetime access

5. Selenium WebDriver with Java

The Selenium WebDriver with Java course aims to help you master this area. You will be able to design page objects, and data-driven and hybrid automation frameworks from scratch. You will also get a deeper understanding of automation guidelines and code quality standards.

The course has 5 trainers to help solve your doubts during the lessons, and with other processes like creating a resume, and preparing for a job interview. It isn't required to have previous experience with coding to take the course.

Workload: 55.5 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics:

  • Selenium Webdriver- Major focus (20 hours+ content)
  •  Live Examples in Automating Web applications in all supported Browsers
  •  Strategy to handle Rich Web UI using Advanced WebDriver
  •  Real-time challenges we face in WebDriver and solutions to handle it
  • Selenium Grid
  • Live projects on Selenium 
  • Interview questions discussion with solutions
  • TestNG
  • Maven
  • ANT
  • Jenkins
  • Log4j
  • Test Execution reports
  • Cucumber
  • Data-driven framework
  • Hybrid Framework
  • Page object Model Framework
  • DataBase testing with Selenium
  • Performance testing with Selenium
  • Mobile Automation basics only!
  • Cloud Automation with Sauce labs
  • Framework Design from scratch

Access type: full lifetime access

6. Full Stack Java Developer

The Full Stack Java Developer course will teach you how to build a fully functioning web application, Java programming language, apply validations on the forms, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and many other essential skills for becoming a Java developer.

You will be able to deploy servlets and dynamic web applications, add and delete records into the database, handle session in JSP, and much more. This Java course requires basic programming knowledge.

Workload: 64.5 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics:

  • Learn Java Server Pages from basics to advance
  • Understand building web forms with JSP
  • Decision-making under Java
  • Object-oriented programming concepts
  • Flow control
  • Method parameter and return type
  • Use web template to make the web application incredible
  • Core concept
  • Array
  • Collections debugging
  • Generics
  • Multi-threading
  • Lambdas
  • File Handling under Java
  • Introduction to GIT
  • Create-Deploy Servlets & Understand Servlet Lifecycle
  • Forms under JSP and Servlets
  • Develop Dynamic Web Applications
  • JSTL core tags
  • Learn MVC in JSP
  • Image/File upload
  • Web App with spring boot
  • Add post functionality
  • Restful microservice with database connectivity
  • Connect with the database and perform CRUD operation

Access type: full lifetime access

7. Rest API Testing (Automation) from Scratch-Rest Assured Java

With the Rest API Testing (Automation) from Scratch-Rest Assured Java, you will learn how to design and implement structured API automation, and also generate excellent client reports for API test execution results.  

The course covers basic to advanced level topics, including Rest Assured, Postman, Java, and TestNG. You can count on dedicated instructors to help you with your queries 24 hours a day, and there is no need to have previous experience with automation to take the course. 

Workload: 24.5 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics:

  • Rest API basics and terminology
  • Java tutorials for basic brushup
  • API testing using Postman
  • Rest Assured setup for API automation testing
  • Validating the rest API responses
  • Handling dynamic Json Payloads with Parameterization
  • Understand request and response spec builders in rest assured
  • Rest API framework 
  • Excel integration with Rest Assured test
  • Core Java basics

Access type: full lifetime access

8. Java from Zero to First Job

The Java from Zero to First Job course has the goal to help you learn the necessary skills to start pursuing a career as a developer. You will learn object-oriented programming,  how to use integrated development environments to create Java programs, integration testing, how to write scalable, readable, and maintainable clean code, and debugging tools. 

The course also covers programming basics so you can understand other programming languages as well. It will help you with interview practice tests to prepare you to conquer a new job. No programming experience is needed to take the course. 

Workload: 62 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics:

  • Java basics
  • Primitive data types, variables, and arrays
  • Eclipse
  • Strings in Java
  • Control statements
  • Loops
  • Methods in Java
  • Enumerations in Java
  • Debugging tools
  • Object-oriented programming
  • GIT
  • Exception handling
  • Java collections framework
  • Generics
  • Functional programming in Java
  • Multithreading
  • Testing for software engineers 

Access type: full lifetime access

9. Java Multithreading, Concurrency, and Performance Optimization

The Java Multithreading Concurrency, and Performance Optimization course will teach you how to build well-designed and correct multithreaded applications in Java. You will gain expert-level practical knowledge of modern software architecture, and be able to develop high-performance and responsive applications.

The course goes from the basics to the advanced topics about multithreading and is focused not only on the concepts but on how to put them into practice too. It requires programming experience in Java. 

Workload: 4 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics: 

  • Threading fundamentals
  • Performance optimization
  • Data sharing between threads
  • Advanced locking
  • Inter-thread communication
  • Lock-free algorithms, data structures, and techniques

Access type: full lifetime access

10. Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java

With the Data Structures and Algorithms Deep Dive Using Java, you will learn the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of data structures, to be able to choose the best one for your data and applications. You will also get to know many of the algorithms commonly used to sort data.

This course is developed for people who already have had previous experience with an object-oriented programming language, preferably Java, and want to understand on a deeper level important concepts like data structures. 

Workload: 16 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics:

  • Arrays
  • Linked Lists
  • Trees
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Heaps
  • Sort algorithms
  • Search algorithms

Access type: full lifetime access

11. Java Application Performance and Memory Management

The Java Application Performance and Memory Management course will teach you how to configure the virtual machine to provide better performance at run-time, make good coding choices, manage memory, and make performance testing and benchmarking. 

You will be able to understand what can cause performance issues in applications and how to solve them. This course was created for Java programmers who wish to deepen their knowledge regarding how the Java virtual machine works. 

Workload: 10 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics:

  • Just in Time compilation and the code cache
  • Selecting the JVM
  • How memory works
  • Passing objects between methods
  • Garbage collection
  • Monitoring the heap
  • Assessing performance
  • Benchmarking with JMH

Access type: full lifetime access

12. JDBC Servlets and JSP - Java Web Development Fundamentals

The JDBC Servlets and JSP - Java Web Development Fundamentals course covers important topics such as how to develop dynamic web applications, create and deploy Servlets, manage sessions, and implement connections pooling. 

You will also learn the meaning and importance of MVC, the fundamentals of JDBC, how JSPs can help to separate Web logic and functionality from page layout, and how to secure your web application. 

Workload: 9 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics: 

  • Software setup
  • Web application basics
  • Servlets 
  • JDBC
  • Building dynamic web applications
  • JSP
  • Web security
  • Connection pooling

Access type: full lifetime access

13. Project Development Using Java for Beginners

With the Project Development Using Java for beginners course, you will learn the best practices in writing high-quality Java code and advanced object-oriented programming concepts. The course will prepare you to be able to demonstrate expertise with Java programming in your job interviews.

Also focused on practice, this Java course will give you a wide range of Java exercises to solve. It isn't necessary to have programming experience to start the course.

Workload: 45.5 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics: 

  • Types of applications
  • Java concepts
  • Working with Editplus software
  • Java basic programming elements
  • Essential statements of Java
  • Datatypes in Java
  • Variables
  • Accessibility modifiers in Java
  • JVM architecture
  • Oops concepts in Java
  • Multi-threading
  • Collections framework

Access type: full lifetime access

14. Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps

The Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps course will teach you Spring Boot auto-configuration, how to develop a web application connecting to JPA/Hibernate step by step, and how to write great Unit and Integration tests using Spring Boot Profiles and Dynamic configuration.

You will also understand Spring MVC in-depth, the basics of styling your web page using Bootstrap framework, and how to make the best use of Spring Boot Actuator and Spring Boot developer tools. To take the course, it's necessary to have experience with Java and Annotations. 

Workload: 14 hours

Certificate: includes a certificate of completion

Main topics: 

  • Web application with Spring Boot
  • JUnit
  • Mockito
  • Spring Boot deep dive with simple API
  • Connecting web application with JPA

Access type: full lifetime access

Choose the Best Java Course for You

As you can see, there are Java courses on multiple levels, from beginners, who don't have any experience with programming to developers who want to deepen their knowledge in this area. Analyze the topics and requirements for each course, then select the one that suits your needs best, and enjoy it to help you achieve your goals.

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